Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sat-Sun: Closed
+254 20 2219345/6
+254 20 2219347
Hermes House 1st Flr
Tom Mboya Street

Harassment and Discrimination

No one deserves to be harassed or discriminated against at work. You have a right to work free of bullying or any kind of harassment or discrimination.


Discrimination in employment means being treated less fairly (usually by your employer, supervisor or manager) than someone else for reasons that are unrelated to your ability to do a job.

Unlawful discrimination occurs when someone, or a group of people, is treated less favorably than another person or group because of their

  1. race
  2. colour
  3. national or ethnic origin
  4. sex, pregnancy or marital status
  5. age
  6. disability
  7. religion
  8. sexual preference
  9. trade union activity
  10. or some other characteristic specified under anti-discrimination or human rights legislation.
Harassment and Discrimination

Let Your Voice Be Heard!

COWU believes that you have the right to influence improvements in your working conditions and to have a say when there are changes planned. Your union is your voice in the workplace
To pursue, promote and maintain workers’ rights, improved working terms and conditions of employment.

Visit Us:

Hermes House 1st Floor
Tom Mboya Street
P.O. Box 48155 - 00100
Nairobi, Kenya

For Queries & Questions:

Tel: + 254 202219345/6/7

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